Ghazalian Oeuvre |
A listing arranged by subject Know O kind reader, as with any author of his period and fame, many of al-Ghazali's works are missing or mislabeled; error prone copies and a host of technical problems brought about by the ravages of time and tumultuous political climate, not to mention scrupulous "publishers" have had their effect on what we have today. It is without a doubt that the Ghazalian corpus fared better than many of his contemporaries. fortuna non omnibus aeque.
Notes & Disclaimers |
NOTE: This page utilizes Gentium font which is a open source (free) font. The numbers listed above in square brackets refer to M = Bouyges, Maurice. Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-ghazali (Algazel). Edited by Michel Allard. Beirut: L'Institue de Lettres Orientales de Beyrouth, 1959; A = Badwai, 'Abd al-Rahman, Mu'allafat al-Ghazali. 2nd ed. Kuwait: Wakalat al-Mutbu'at, 1977- numbers as listed. The links are provided to the individual page in Bouyges or Badawi. The GAL listing is given below. The following numbers are offered as mentioned in Bouyges 1959: Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabischen litteratur. 2 vols. plus 3 suppl. vols., Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1937-42, Second edition: 1943-45. [GAL, S] GAL, I: 534-546 (PDF: 1943); S, I: 744-756. (PDF: 1937). Kâtip Çelebi. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum ... ad codicum Vindobonensium Parisiensium et Berolinensis fidem primum edidit Latine vertit et commentario indicibusque instruxit Gustavus Fluegel. Arabic text with Latin trans. by Gustav Lebrecht Fluegel. 7 vols., Leipzig: Published for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1835-1858. [K] Disclaimers: This above is NOT (by any means) a comprehensive list of al-Ghazali's Oeuvre but a selective sample of what is available. According to al-Zabidi al-Ghazali wrote 70 works of various sizes from multi volume works to smaller pamphlet size of these 23 were printed. For more information on a more complete list of his work see the bibliography page. I have a graph (click here) of the ghazalian oeuvre according to scholars (Boyges and Hourani) who wrote on the topic. Do note that a work of this magnitude is liable to have some errors that may have crept into it. Although my ego assures me that I have not made any mistakes considering the time that I put into it. So if you see a glaring error or have strong opinions, supported by fact or argument, about any work listed above or missing do let me know. Of course I always prefer a pat on the back to a slap in the face. Just in case you are looking for the old page here it is! |
Page Information: * How to make the most of this site and all about downloading files. * Page created on 2005-10-11 and updated on: 2008-12-21. * URL: http://ghazali.org/site/oeuvre.htm. * Site © Copyright 2007 by Muhammad Hozien. All rights reserved. This site is dedicated to academic study of Imam abu Hamid al-Ghazali. Individual content may have its own individual copyrights. See copyright information. |