Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (al-fiqhi
wa isulihi)
- {التعليقة}
al-Ta'liqa (a commentary on al-Juwani's Usul al-fiqh work) This
work would be superseded by the two works listed below a case of
discipulus potior magistro. [M:1;
- {المنخول من تعليقة الإصول}
al-Mankhul min taliqat al-isul, (the sifted from the Commentary
on the fundamentals) One of his early attempts on legal theory of
Muslim Jurisprudence. Followed his teacher (al-Juwayni) who was
reportedly impressed with this work. [M:2;
A:2; GAL. no 52; K:11936]
- Arabic: al-Mankhul
min taliqat al-isul. edited by M. H. Hito. ND/NP [Damascus?,
1970?(intro. p.48)] 48pp+541pp. [Haqqaqahu wa-kharraja nassahu
wa-´allaqa ´alayhi Muhammad Hasan Hitu. Yunsharu li-awwal marrah ´an
thalath nusakh makhtutah.] (Complete Arabic PDF) courtesy of KG.
Also available zipped word file
of text only.
- {البسيط}
al-Basit (The Spread) A Jurisprudential work in Shafi'i rite.
Condensed from al-Juwayni's book Nihayt al-mutlab, which is a commentary
on al-Muzini's condensation of al-Shafi'i's kitab al-Um. A bit
confusing! As far as I know this work has not been published. Sections
of this work has been edited as part of a graduate thesis at the Islamic
University in Madinah, KSA. [M:3,
A:3, GAL no 48].
- {الوجيز في فقه الإمام
الشافعي} Al-wajiz fi fiqh
al-imam al-shafi'i. (The condensed in Imam Shafi'i's
Jurisprudence) - A shorter work on Shafi'i fiqh [Islamic Jurisprudence],
includes contrary opinions of Malik, Abu Hanifa and al-Muzni. [M:5?,
36; A:36; GAL I, 424;
- Arabic:
Al-wajiz fi fiqh al-imam al-shafi'i. 2 vol. ed. Ali Ma'wad
and 'Adil Abdelmujud, Dar al-arqam: Beiruit, 1997.
Volume 1,
volume 2 (PDF) -
- Commentary: This book was then expanded upon (sharh) by
abul-Qasem al-Rafi'ai called al-aziz sharh al-wajiz (pdf) which in turn was
summarized by al-Nawawi in a book called rawdat al-talibin (pdf)
link to online
- Summary: This book was summarized (mukhtasr)
by abul-Qasem al-Rafi'ai called al-muharar which in turn was
summarized by al-Nawawi in a book called
minhāj al-ṭālibīn
wa ʿumdat al-muftīn. (pdf)
This work alone has had at least 100 commentaries on it, c.f. pp.
18-43 for an annotated listing.
(المستصفى من علم الأصول) al-Mustasfa min
'ilm al-isul. (On Legal theory of Muslim Jurisprudence). A
celebrated work of al-Ghazali on Usul al-Fiqh is considered one of
four works that all isul work revolve around and they are: 1. The
mu`tazalite `Abd al-Jabar (d. 415) al-Qadi's al-`umad; 2. abu al-Husain
(d. 473) al-Basri's al-mu`tamad (commentary on al-`umad); 3. al-Imam
al-Harmian abu al-Ma`ali (d. 478) Juywani's al-Burhan and 4. this
book. (See Hito's introduction to al-mankhul p.9 ;27). [M:59
; A:63; GAL,S. I. 754, no 51;
- Arabic Editions:
- Bulaq Edition in two
volumes reprinted in Beirut: Volume 1, 2 (pdf)
- Recent edited
edition in 4 volumes, edited by H. Z. Hafiz, Jeddah, n.d.: (pdf)
- al-Mustasfa min 'ilm al-isul. (Arabic
link), a 'complete' text edition (Arabic
word) Seems to have the printed text's page numbers. (zipped)
- English: Vol. 1 was translated in: ABU
(part-1-PDF) is a study of al-Ghazali's
contribution to Usul one of the first in the English language. (part
2: translation of volume 1-PDF).
- Turkish: Islam Hukunda: Deiller va Yorum
Metodolojisi, Turkcesi Yunus Apaydin, Rey Yayincihk, Kayseri,
1994. Volume
Volume 2 (PDF)
- {اساس القياس}
Asas al-Qiyas, (foundation of Analogical [reasoning]) [M:67;
- Arabic: Asas al-Qiyas,
edited by Fahd ibn Muhammad al-Sadhan (al-Riyad : Maktabat al-`Ubaykan,
1993). (pdf)
- Fatawy al-Ghazali (Verdicts of al-Ghazali)
edited by Mahmoud M. Abu Sway, Kula Lumpur (1996) (pdf)
- A new edition that utilizes different manuscripts (3 from dar al-kutub
al-zahirya) than Abu Sway's
edition has been published ed. Ali M. al-tasa, al-Yamama, Damascus,
The numbers listed above in square brackets
refer to M = Bouyges, Maurice.
Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-ghazali (Algazel). Edited by
Michel Allard. Beirut: L'Institue de Lettres Orientales de Beyrouth,
1959; A =
Badwai, 'Abd al-Rahman, Mu'allafat al-Ghazali. 2nd ed. Kuwait:
Wakalat al-Mutbu'at, 1977- numbers as listed. The links are provided to
the individual page in Bouyges or Badawi. The GAL listing is given
below. The following numbers are offered as mentioned in Bouyges 1959:
Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabischen litteratur.
2 vols. plus 3 suppl. vols., Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1937-42, Second edition:
1943-45. [GAL, S] GAL, I: 534-546 (PDF:
1943); S, I: 744-756. (PDF:
1937). Kâtip Çelebi. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum ...
ad codicum Vindobonensium Parisiensium et Berolinensis fidem
primum edidit Latine vertit et commentario indicibusque instruxit
Gustavus Fluegel. .... Arabic text with Latin trans. by
Gustav Lebrecht Fluegel. 7 vols., Leipzig: Published for the Oriental
Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1835-1858. [K]
If you
see a glaring error or have strong opinions, supported by fact or
argument, about any work listed above or missing do let me know.