If you want to get super accurate info use this: (http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/cntry_files.html)

However I used the World Gazetteer. The geo coordinates differ than the ones quoted in Wikipedia which is of some concern.

Cities Ghazali visited:

1. Birth TUS (near Mashhad= 36.27ºN - 59.57ºE):

2. Jurjan (possibly a trip for learning)  (36.83°N - 54.48°E).

3. Nishapur (36.22°N - 58.82°E)

4. Camp of Nizam al-mulk: 

5. Baghdad (33.33°N - 44.44°E)

6. Damascus ( 33.50°N - 36.32°E)

Jerusalem (31.78°N - 35.22°E)

?? Alexandria (31.22°N - 29.95°E)

7. Mecca  (21.43° N - 39.82°E

8. Medina (24.48°N - 39.59°E)

9. Damascus ( 33.50°N - 36.32°E)

Jerusalem (31.78°N - 35.22°E)

Hebron (31.54°N - 35.09°E)

10. Baghdad  (33.33°N - 44.44°E)

11. TUS (36.27ºN - 59.57ºE)

Nishapur (36.22°N - 58.82°E)

Final Return: TUS (36.27ºN - 59.57ºE)

Source: Stefan Helders (http://www.world-gazetteer.com/)

Example usage in google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=&ll=24.466667,38.6&spn=0.3,0.3&t=k

Das Projekt ist also zur Zeit ein Ein-Mann-Projekt.

This project is currently a 'one man show'